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Cerit, M., Lee, A. Y., Hancock, J., Miner, A., Cho, M.-J., Muise, D., Torres, A.-A. G., Haber, N., Ram, N., Robinson, T. N., & Reeves, B. (2025). Person-Specific Analyses of Smartphone Use and Mental Health: Intensive Longitudinal Study. JMIR Formative Research, 9(1), e59875.
Muise, D., Markowitz, D., Reeves, B., Ram, N., & Robinson, T. (2024). (Mis)measurement of Political Content Exposure within the Smartphone Ecosystem: Investigating Common Assumptions. Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media, 4.
Yee, A. Z. H., Krause, H.-V., Meier, A., Ng, L. Y., & Loy, G. P. (2024). Unravelling passive social media use through screenomes. OSF.
Christensen, T. (2024). Get Off Your Phone?! But Why?! Commentary on the Personal, Societal, and Corporate Motivations of Smartphone Use via Notifications and Creative Outlets [Stanford University].
Teng, S., D’Alfonso, S., & Kostakos, V. (2024). A Tool for Capturing Smartphone Screen Text. Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–24.
Lee, J., Hamilton, J., Ram, N., Robinson, T. N., & Reeves, B. (2024). Digital Inequality in Online Access to Public Benefits: A Computational Appraisal of Challenges Experienced by Low-Income Individuals in Accessing Public Benefits Via Smartphones (SSRN Scholarly Paper No. 4814133).
Jacobucci, R., Ammerman, B., & Ram, N. (2024). Examining Passively Collected Smartphone-Based Data in the Days Prior to Psychiatric Hospitalization for a Suicidal Crisis: Comparative Case Analysis. JMIR Formative Research, 8(1), e55999.
Vaid, S. S., Kroencke, L., Roshanaei, M., Talaifar, S., Hancock, J. T., Back, M. D., Gosling, S. D., Ram, N., & Harari, G. M. (2024). Variation in social media sensitivity across people and contexts. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 6571.
Jacobucci, R., Ammerman, B., & Ram, N. (2024). A Comparative Case Analysis of Passively Collected Smartphone-Based Data in the Days Prior to Psychiatric Hospitalization for a Suicidal Crisis.
Shi, L., Brandt, A. R., Iancu, D., Mach, K. J., Field, C., Cho, M.-J., Ng, M., Chey, K. J. (Sarah), Ram, N., Robinson, T., & Reeves, B. B. (2024). Climate impacts of digital use supply chains. Environmental Research: Climate.
Cho, M.-J., Reeves, B., Ram, N., & Robinson, T. N. (2023). Balancing media selections over time: Emotional valence, informational content, and time intervals of use. Heliyon, 9(12).
Yee, A. Z. H., Yu, R., Lim, S. S., Lim, K. H., Dinh, T. T. A., Loh, L., Hadianto, A., & Quizon, M. (2023). ScreenLife Capture: An open-source and user-friendly framework for collecting screenomes from Android smartphones. Behavior Research Methods, 55(8), 4068–4085.
Muise, D., Ram, N., Robinson, T., & Reeves, B. (2023). Identification, Impacts, and Opportunities of Three Common Measurement Considerations when using Digital Trace Data (No. arXiv:2310.00197). arXiv.
Rocklin, M. L., Garròn Torres, A. A., Reeves, B., Robinson, T. N., & Ram, N. (2023). The Affective Dynamics of Everyday Digital Life: Opening Computational Possibility. Affective Science.
Ram, N., Haber, N., Robinson, T. N., & Reeves, B. (2023). Binding the Person-Specific Approach to Modern AI in the Human Screenome Project: Moving past Generalizability to Transferability. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 0(0), 1–9.
Brinberg, M., Ram, N., Wang, J., Sundar, S. S., Cummings, J. J., Yeykelis, L., & Reeves, B. (2023). Screenertia: Understanding “Stickiness” of Media Through Temporal Changes in Screen Use. Communication Research, 50(5), 535–560.
Cho, M.-J., Reeves, B., Robinson, T. N., & Ram, N. (2023). Media Production on Smartphones: Analysis of the Timing, Content, and Context of Message Production Using Real-World Smartphone Use Data. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 26(5), 371–379.
Heshmati, S., Sbarra, D. A., & Benson, L. (2023). Integrating multiple time-scales to advance relationship science. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 40(4), 1069–1078.
Sun, X., Ram, N., Reeves, B., Cho, M.-J., Fitzgerald, A., & Robinson, T. N. (2023). Connectedness and independence of young adults and parents in the digital world: Observing smartphone interactions at multiple timescales using Screenomics. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 40(4), 1126–1150.
Ohme, J., Araujo, T., Boeschoten, L., Freelon, D., Ram, N., Reeves, B. B., & Robinson, T. N. (2023). Digital Trace Data Collection for Social Media Effects Research: APIs, Data Donation, and (Screen) Tracking. Communication Methods and Measures, 0(0), 1–18.
Su, Y. (2023). Examining smartphone use among older adults in Singapore: a screenomics approach.
Lee, J., Hamilton, J. T., Ram, N., Roehrick, K., & Reeves, B. (2022). The psychology of poverty and life online: natural experiments on the effects of smartphone payday loan ads on psychological stress. Information, Communication & Society, 0(0), 1–22.
Muise, D., Lu, Y., Pan, J., & Reeves, B. (2022). Selectively localized: Temporal and visual structure of smartphone screen activity across media environments. Mobile Media & Communication, 10(3), 487–509.
Reeves, B., Ram, N., Robinson, T. N., Cummings, J. J., Giles, C. L., Pan, J., Chiatti, A., Cho, M., Roehrick, K., Yang, X., Gagneja, A., Brinberg, M., Muise, D., Lu, Y., Luo, M., Fitzgerald, A., & Yeykelis, L. (2021). Screenomics: A Framework to Capture and Analyze Personal Life Experiences and the Ways that Technology Shapes Them. Human–Computer Interaction, 36(2), 150–201.
Brinberg, M., Ram, N., Yang, X., Cho, M.-J., Sundar, S. S., Robinson, T. N., & Reeves, B. (2021). The idiosyncrasies of everyday digital lives: Using the Human Screenome Project to study user behavior on smartphones. Computers in Human Behavior, 114, 106570.
Robinson, T. N., Reeves, B., & Ram, N. (2020). Rollman and Brent: Phonotype. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 35(8), 2479.
Reeves, B., Robinson, T., & Ram, N. (2020). Time for the human screenome project. Nature, 577, 314–317.
Davis, K., Charmaraman, L., & Weinstein, E. (2020). Introduction to Special Issue: Adolescent and Emerging Adult Development in an Age of Social Media. Journal of Adolescent Research, 35(1), 3–15.
Ram, N., Yang, X., Cho, M.-J., Brinberg, M., Muirhead, F., Reeves, B., & Robinson, T. N. (2020). Screenomics: A New Approach for Observing and Studying Individuals’ Digital Lives. Journal of Adolescent Research, 35(1), 16–50.
Gijsen, V., Maddux, M., Lavertu, A., Gonzalez-Hernandez, G., Ram, N., Reeves, B., Robinson, T., Ziesenitz, V., Shakhnovich, V., & Altman, R. (2020). #Science: The Potential and the Challenges of Utilizing Social Media and Other Electronic Communication Platforms in Health Care. Clinical and Translational Science, 13(1), 26–30.
Chiatti, A. (2019). Information Extraction and Retrieval from Digital Screenshots -Archiving in situ Media Behavior [The Pennsylvania State].
Yang, X., Ram, N., Robinson, T., & Reeves, B. (2019). Using Screenshots to Predict Task Switching on Smartphones. Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–6.
Chiatti, A., Davaasuren, D., Ram, N., Mitra, P., Reeves, B., & Robinson, T. (2019). Guess What’s on my Screen? Clustering Smartphone Screenshots with Active Learning. ArXiv:1901.02701.
Yeykelis, L., Cummings, J. J., & Reeves, B. (2018). The Fragmentation of Work, Entertainment, E-Mail, and News on a Personal Computer: Motivational Predictors of Switching Between Media Content. Media Psychology, 21(3), 377–402.
Ram, N., & Reeves, B. (2018). Time sampling. In M. Bornstein, M. Arterberry, K. Fingerman, & J. Lansford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development (pp. 2247–2258). Sage Publications Ltd.
Yeykelis, L., Cummings, J. J., & Reeves, B. (2014). Multitasking on a Single Device: Arousal and the Frequency, Anticipation, and Prediction of Switching Between Media Content on a Computer. Journal of Communication, 64(1), 167–192.
Hussein, B., Sun, X., Nielsen, K., Xu, T., Ram, N., Reeves, B., & Robinson, T. (n.d.). Describing Smartphone Use Among Adolescents During School Hours Using High-Intensity Objective Observations. Journal of Learning Analytics.


Kim, I., Cho, M.-J., Conroy, D., Harber, N., & Robinson, T. (2024, October). Stanford Screenomics: an open-source platform for unobtrusive multimodal digital trace data collection from Android smartphones [Abstract]. Committee of Health Equity. APHA 2024 Annual Meeting & Expo, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America.
Ng, M. (2024, June 20). We need to take care of each other”: Individuals’ real-time engagements with climate risk communication during the 2021 Texas winter storm. PhD Mentoring Workshop of the Environmental Communication Division. International Communication Association, Gold Coast, Australia.
Ng, M., Chi, Y., Cho, M. J., Ram, N., Robinson, T., & Reeves, B. (2024, June 20). Smartphone use as stimuli and signals of climate adaptation behaviors during the 2021 Texas winter storm. 74th Annual ICA Conference.
Park, R., Chang, Y.-J., Reeves, B., & Ram, N. (2024, June). Neural Screenomics: Using neuroscience to decode cognitive states from individuals’ digital trajectories of media multitasking. 74th Annual ICA Conference, Gold Coast, Australia.
Xu, T., Sun, X., Nielsen, K., Garron Torres, A. A., Ram, N., Robinson, T., & Reeves, B. (2024, April 18). Adolescents’ perceptions of COVID-19 media messages and their Preventive Health Behaviors. Society for Research on Adolescents, Chicago, IL, USA.
Sun, X., Nielsen, K., Ram, N., Robinson, T., & Reeves, B. (2024, April 18). Accuracy of Self-Reported Smartphone Use Among Adolescents and their Parents. Society for Research on Adolescents, Chicago, IL, USA.
Chen, X., Cerit, M., Robinson, T., Ram, N., & Reeves, B. (2024, March 16). Unfolding Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL): A Case Study on Smartphone Usage for Second Language Learning. American Association of Applied Linguistics, Huston, TX, USA.
Ammerman, B., Blacutt, H., & Ram, N. (2024). Integrating active and passive approaches: Intensive time sampling in investigation social media’s impact on suicide risk. In B. Ammerman & J. Hamilton (Eds.), Multimethod approaches in the science of social media and suicide risk: Rethinking risk, protection, and prevention.
Ammerman, B., Jacobucci, R., & Ram, N. (2024). An application of screenomics to improve real—time suicide risk detection. In B. Ammerman & T. Bruke (Eds.), Leveraging deep learning to improve suicide risk detection.
Hanson, A., Sun, X., Nielsen, K., Ram, N., Robinson, T., & Reeves, B. (2023, November 8). Parent and Adolescent Perceptions of Parent Smartphone Addiction: A Longitudinal Descriptive Analysis. National Council on Family Relations.
Cerit, M., Lee, A., Hancock, J., Miner, A., Cho, M.-J., Muise, D., Garron Torres, A. A., Harber, N., Robinson, T., & Reeves, B. (2023, October 24). Smartphone use and mental health: Accounting for idiosyncrasy with person-specific models of intensive longitudinal data collected over one year. Precision Mental Health & Wellness Symposium.
Ng, M., Cho, M.-J., Eichstaedt, J., Reeves, B., Robinson, T., & Ram, N. (2023, May). Characterizing “bottom-up” engagement with climate communication with mobile sensing. 73nd Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Lee, A., Cerit, M., Hancock, J., Miner, A., Cho, M.-J., Muise, D., Garron Torres, A. A., Ram, N., Robinson, T., & Reeves, B. (2023, May). Fragmentation of Smartphone Use and Mental Health: Changes in Depressive Symptoms, Anxiety and Turbulence Over One Year. 73nd Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference.
Ng, M., Cho, M.-J., Eichstaedt, J., Reeves, B., Robinson, T., & Ram, N. (2023, April). Leveraging mobile sensing to characterize person-specific engagement with climate communication. Stanford Data Science for Sustainability Conference, Stanford, California, USA.
Ng, M., Chi, Y., Cerit, M., Ram, N., & Harari, G. (2023, March). Change in affect as individuals move through physical and digital environments of daily life. Society for Affective Science’s 2023 Annual Meeting, Long Beach, California, USA.
Lee, J., Hamilton, J. T., Ram, N., Roehrick, K., & Reeves, B. (2021). You’ve got debt: Cognitive, behavioral, and emotional reactions to digital payday lending ads. Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Virtual.
Chiatti, A., Cho, M. J., Gagneja, A., Yang, X., Brinberg, M., Roehrick, K., Choudhury, S. R., Ram, N., Reeves, B., & Giles, C. L. (2018). Text extraction and retrieval from smartphone screenshots: building a repository for life in media. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 948–955.
Chiatti, A., Yang, X., Brinberg, M., Cho, M. J., Gagneja, A., Ram, N., Reeves, B., & Giles, C. L. (2017). Text Extraction from Smartphone Screenshots to Archive in situ Media Behavior. Proceedings of the Knowledge Capture Conference, 1–4.